autoload zsh/terminfo pr_reset="%f%u%k%s%b" # reset all codes if [ "$terminfo[colors]" -eq 256 ]; then pr_red="%F{52}" pr_blue="%F{25}" pr_green="%F{28}" pr_grey="%F{59}" else if [ "$terminfo[colors]" -eq 8 ]; then pr_red="%F{red}" pr_blue="%F{blue}" pr_green="%F{green}" pr_grey="%B%F{black}" fi fi # VCS configuration autoload vcs_info zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git hg svn zstyle ':vcs_info:*' get-revision true zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats "(%s) %b@%6>>%i%<<…" "%r" zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats "(%s) %b@%6>>%i%<<…|%U%a%%u" zstyle ':vcs_info:*' branchformat "%b:%r" zstyle ':vcs_info:hg*:*' use-simple true zstyle ':vcs_info:svn:*' formats "(%s) %b:r%i" "%r" zstyle ':vcs_info:svn:*' branchformat "%b" # TODO: # - Don't lose / at beginning of path if not in home dir # - Discover root of repo based on full path, not basename (to avoid underlining multiple path components) function prompt_pwd() { local repo="$vcs_info_msg_1_" parts=(${(s:/:)${${PWD}/#${HOME}/\~}}) i=0 while (( i++ < ${#parts} )); do part="$parts[i]" if [[ "$part" == "$repo" ]]; then # if this part of the path represents the repo, # underline it, and skip truncating the component parts[i]="%U$part%u" else # Shorten the path as long as it isn't the last piece if [[ "$parts[${#parts}]" != "$part" ]]; then parts[i]="$part[1,1]" fi fi done echo "${(j:/:)parts}" } function precmd { vcs_info local cwd="$pr_blue`prompt_pwd`$pr_reset" local char="%0(?.$pr_green.$pr_red)♪$pr_reset" local time="$pr_grey⌚ %*$pr_reset" # local rvm="❖ `rvm-prompt`" local user_at_host if [[ "$USER" != "bjeanes" ]]; then user_at_host="$USER" if [[ "$user" == "root" ]] then user_at_host="$pr_red$user_at_host$pr_reset" fi fi if [[ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]]; then user_at_host+="$pr_blue@`hostname -s`$pr_reset" fi local rev="$pr_grey$vcs_info_msg_0_$pr_reset" rev="${rev/\(git\)/±}" rev="${rev/\(hg\)/☿}" rev="${rev/\(svn\)/↯}" local left right left=($user_at_host $cwd $char) # right=($rev $rvm $time) right=($rev $time) PS1="$left [ " RPS1="] $right" }