#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Save this somewhere, chmod 755 it, then add # complete -C path/to/this/script -o default rake # to your ~/.bashrc # # If you update your tasks, just $ rm ~/.raketabs* # # Adapted from # http://onrails.org/articles/2006/08/30/namespaces-and-rake-command-completion exit 0 unless File.file?(File.join(Dir.pwd, 'Rakefile')) exit 0 unless /^rake\b/ =~ ENV["COMP_LINE"] def rake_silent_tasks if File.exists?(dotcache = File.join(File.expand_path('~'), ".raketabs-#{Dir.pwd.hash}")) File.read(dotcache) else tasks = `rake --silent --tasks` File.open(dotcache, 'w') { |f| f.puts tasks } tasks end end after_match = $' task_match = (after_match.empty? || after_match =~ /\s$/) ? nil : after_match.split.last puts "Run 'rm ~/.raketabs-*' to clean autocomplete cache, first" and exit if rake_silent_tasks.split("\n")[1..-1].nil? tasks = (rake_silent_tasks.split("\n")[1..-1] || []).map { |line| line.split[1] } tasks = tasks.select { |t| /^#{Regexp.escape task_match}/ =~ t } if task_match # handle namespaces if task_match =~ /^([-\w:]+:)/ upto_last_colon = $1 after_match = $' tasks = tasks.map { |t| (t =~ /^#{Regexp.escape upto_last_colon}([-\w:]+)$/) ? "#{$1}" : t } end puts tasks exit 0