export DOT_FILES=$HOME/.config source $DOT_FILES/bash/common source $DOT_FILES/git/git-completion source $DOT_FILES/bash/save-directory if [ $system_name == 'Darwin' ]; then source $DOT_FILES/ruby/gemdoc source $DOT_FILES/bash/terminal else if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then . /etc/bash_completion else . $DOT_FILES/bash/bash_completion fi fi export PS1=' [`pwd`$(__git_ps1 " \[${COLOR_RED}\](%s)\[${COLOR_NC}\]")]\n$ ' function __pair_status { hitchstatus " %s"; } # readline settings bind "set completion-ignore-case on" bind "set bell-style none" # No bell, because it's damn annoying bind "set show-all-if-ambiguous On" # this allows you to automatically show completion without double tab-ing shopt -s checkwinsize shopt -s histappend shopt -s globstar 2>/dev/null # Bash 4 and above only complete -C $DOT_FILES/bash/rake-completion.rb -o default rake}