#!/usr/bin/python """ XTerm Colour Chart 2.0 Ian Ward, 2007 This file is in the Public Domain, do with it as you wish. """ import sys from optparse import OptionParser __version__ = "2.0" # Colour charts # ------------- # Anm - colour cube colour where A is a letter between "a" and "f" and # n and m are numbers between 0 and 5. eg. "a00" is the one corner # of the cube and "f55" is the opposite corner. The first coordinate # is given as a letter to help distinguish the boundaries between # colours in the charts. In 88-colour mode only values "a" through # "d" and 0 through 3 are used. # .nn - basic colour where nn is between 00 and 15. # +nn - gray colour where nn is between 01 and 24 for 256-colour mode # or between 01 and 08 for 88-colour mode. whale_shape_left = """ e04d04c04b04 e03d03c03b03 e02d02c02b02 e01d01c01b01 e00d00c00b00a00a01a02a03a04a05b05c05d05e05f05f04f03f02f01f00 e10d10c10b10a10a11a12a13a14a15b15c15d15e15f15f14f13f12f11f10 e20d20c20b20a20a21a22a23a24a25b25c25d25e25f25f24f23f22f21f20 e30d30c30b30a30a31a32a33a34a35b35c35d35e35f35f34f33f32f31f30 e40d40c40b40a40a41a42a43a44a45b45c45d45e45f45f44f43f42f41f40 e50d50c50b50a50a51a52a53a54a55b55c55d55e55f55f54f53f52f51f50 b54c54d54e54 b53c53d53e53 . b52c52d52e52 . b51c51d51e51 """ whale_shape_right = """ d13c13 d12c12 d11c11b11b12b13b14c14d14e14e13e12e11 d21c21b21b22b23b24c24d24e24e23e22e21 d31c31b31b32b33b34c34d34e34e33e32e31 d41c41b41b42b43b44c44d44e44e43e42e41 c43d43 c42d42 c22c23d23d22 c32c33d33d32 +12+11+10+09+08+07+06+05+04+03+02+01 +13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24 """ # join left and right whales whale_shape = "\n".join([l.ljust(63)+r for l,r in zip(whale_shape_left.split("\n"), whale_shape_right.split("\n"))]) whale_shape_88 = """ c02b02 b11b12c12c11 c01b01 b21b22c22c21 c00b00a00a01a02a03b03c03d03d02d01d00 c10b10a10a11a12a13b13c13d13d12d11d10 +08+07+06+05+04+03+02+01 c20b20a20a21a22a23b23c23d23d22d21d20 c30b30a30a31a32a33b33c33d33d32d31d30 b32c32 . b31c31 . """ cloud_shape = """ . c12c13 d13d12 . d11c11b11b12b13b14c14d14e14e13e12e11 d21c21b21b22b23b24c24d24e24e23e22e21 e31d31c31b31b32b33b34c34d34e34e33e32 c22c23d23d22 e41d41c41b41b42b43b44c44d44e44e43e42 +01+24 d32c32c33d33 d42c42 c43d43 +02+23 +03+22 c02c03 d03d02 +04+21 d01c01 b01b02b03b04 c04d04 e04e03e02e01 +05+20 e00d00c00b00a00a01a02a03a04a05b05c05d05e05f05f04f03f02f01f00 +06+19 e10d10c10b10a10a11a12a13a14a15b15c15d15e15f15f14f13f12f11f10 +07+18 e20d20c20b20a20a21a22a23a24a25b25c25d25e25f25f24f23f22f21f20 +08+17 f30e30d30c30b30a30a31a32a33a34a35b35c35d35e35f35f34f33f32f31 +09+16 f40e40d40c40b40a40a41a42a43a44a45b45c45d45e45f45f44f43f42f41 +10+15 f50e50d50c50b50a50a51a52a53a54a55b55c55d55e55f55f54f53f52f51 +11+14 e51d51c51b51 b52b53 b54c54d54e54 e53e52 +12+13 d52c52 c53d53 """ cloud_shape_88 = """ b11b12c12c11 c21b21b22c22 b01b02 c02c01 c00b00a00a01a02a03b03c03d03d02d01d00 +08+07+06+05+04+03+02+01 c10b10a10a11a12a13b13c13d13d12d11d10 d20c20b20a20a21a22a23b23c23d23d22d21 . d30c30b30a30a31a32a33b33c33d33d32d31 . c31b31 b32c32 """ slices = """ a00a01a02a03a04a05 c05c04c03c02c01c00 e00e01e02e03e04e05 +01+24 .00.08 a10a11a12a13a14a15 c15c14c13c12c11c10 e10e11e12e13e14e15 +02+23 .01.09 a20a21a22a23a24a25 c25c24c23c22c21c20 e20e21e22e23e24e25 +03+22 .02.10 a30a31a32a33a34a35 c35c34c33c32c31c30 e30e31e32e33e34e35 +04+21 .03.11 a40a41a42a43a44a45 c45c44c43c42c41c40 e40e41e42e43e44e45 +05+20 .04.12 a50a51a52a53a54a55 c55c54c53c52c51c50 e50e51e52e53e54e55 +06+19 .05.13 b50b51b52b53b54b55 d55d54d53d52d51d50 f50f51f52f53f54f55 +07+18 .06.14 b40b41b42b43b44b45 d45d44d43d42d41d40 f40f41f42f43f44f45 +08+17 .07.15 b30b31b32b33b34b35 d35d34d33d32d31d30 f30f31f32f33f34f35 +09+16 b20b21b22b23b24b25 d25d24d23d22d21d20 f20f21f22f23f24f25 +10+15 b10b11b12b13b14b15 d15d14d13d12d11d10 f10f11f12f13f14f15 +11+14 b00b01b02b03b04b05 d05d04d03d02d01d00 f00f01f02f03f04f05 +12+13 """ slices_88 = """ a00a01a02a03 c03c02c01c00 +01 .00.08 a10a11a12a13 c13c12c11c10 +02 .01.09 a20a21a22a23 c23c22c21c20 +03 .02.10 a30a31a32a33 c33c32c31c30 +04 .03.11 b30b31b32b33 d33d32d31d30 +05 .04.12 b20b21b22b23 d23d22d21d20 +06 .05.13 b10b11b12b13 d13d12d11d10 +07 .06.14 b00b01b02b03 d03d02d01d00 +08 .07.15 """ ribbon_left = """ a00a01a02a03a04a05b05c05d05e05f05f04f03f02f01f00e00d00c00b00 a10a11a12a13a14a15b15c15d15e15f15f14f13f12f11f10e10d10c10b10 a20a21a22a23a24a25b25c25d25e25f25f24f23f22f21f20e20d20c20b20 a30a31a32a33a34a35b35c35d35e35f35f34f33f32f31f30e30d30c30b30 a40a41a42a43a44a45b45c45d45e45f45f44f43f42f41f40e40d40c40b40 a50a51a52a53a54a55b55c55d55e55f55f54f53f52f51f50e50d50c50b50 . +01+02+03+04+05+06+07+08+09+10+11 . """ ribbon_right = """ b01c01d01e01e02e03e04d04c04b04b03c03d03d02c02b02 b11c11d11e11e12e13e14d14c14b14b13c13d13d12c12b12 b21c21d21e21e22e23e24d24c24b24b23c23d23d22c22b22 b31c31d31e31e32e33e34d34c34b34b33c33d33d32c32b32 b41c41d41e41e42e43e44d44c44b44b43c43d43d42c42b42 b51c51d51e51e52e53e54d54c54b54b53c53d53d52c52b52 +12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24 """ ribbon = "\n".join([l+r for l,r in zip(ribbon_left.split("\n"), ribbon_right.split("\n"))]) ribbon_88 = """ a00a01a02a03b03c03d03d02d01d00c00c01c02b02b01b00 a10a11a12a13b13c13d13d12d11d10c10c11c12b12b11b10 a20a21a22a23b23c23d23d22d21d20c20c21c22b22b21b20 a30a31a32a33b33c33d33d32d31d30c30c31c32b32b31b30 . +01+02+03+04+05+06+07+08 . """ cow_shape_left = """ +13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24 c01 e01 +12+11+10+09+08+07+06+05+04+03+02+01 b02c02d02e02f02 b03c03d03e03f03f13f23 d01 b01 b04c04d04e04f04f14f24 f01f00e00d00c00b00a00a01a02a03a04a05b05c05d05e05f05f15f25 f12f11f10e10d10c10b10a10a11a12a13a14a15b15c15d15e15 f32f22f21f20e20d20c20b20a20a21a22a23a24a25b25c25d25e25 f42 f31f30e30d30c30b30a30a31a32a33a34a35b35c35d35e35f35 f41f40e40d40c40b40a40a41a42a43a44a45b45c45d45e45f45 f51f50e50d50c50b50a50a51a52a53a54a55b55c55d55e55f55 f52 e51d51c51b51 b54c54 f54 f53 e52d52c52b52 b53c53 f44 f43 e53 d53 f34 f33 e54 d54 """ cow_shape_right = """ c23d23d22 c32c33d33 c22 d32 c12d12e12 c13d13e13e23 e11d11c11b11b12b13b14c14d14e14e24 e22e21d21c21b21b22b23b24c24d24 e32e31d31c31b31b32b33b34c34d34 e33 d41c41b41 b44 d44 e34 d42c42b42 c44 d43 e44 e42 c43 e43 e41 b43 . . """ # join left and right cows cow_shape = "\n".join([l.ljust(66)+r for l,r in zip(cow_shape_left.split("\n"), cow_shape_right.split("\n"))]) cow_shape_88 = """ . b12c12c11 . b21b22c22 b11 c21 +01+02+03+04+05+06+07+08 b01c01d01 b02c02d02d12 d00c00b00a00a01a02a03b03c03d03d13 d11d10c10b10a10a11a12a13b13c13 d21d20c20b20a20a21a22a23b23c23 d22 c30b30a30 a33 c33 d23 c31b31a31 b33 c32 d33 d31 b32 d32 d30 a32 """ charts = { 88: { 'cows': cow_shape_88, 'whales': whale_shape_88, 'slices': slices_88, 'ribbon': ribbon_88, 'clouds': cloud_shape_88,}, 256: { 'cows': cow_shape, 'whales': whale_shape, 'slices': slices, 'ribbon': ribbon, 'clouds': cloud_shape,}} # global settings basic_start = 0 # first index of basic colours cube_start = 16 # first index of colour cube cube_size = 6 # one side of the colour cube gray_start = cube_size ** 3 + cube_start colours = 256 # values copied from xterm 256colres.h: cube_steps = 0x00, 0x5f, 0x87, 0xaf, 0xd7, 0xff gray_steps = (0x08, 0x12, 0x1c, 0x26, 0x30, 0x3a, 0x44, 0x4e, 0x58, 0x62, 0x6c, 0x76, 0x80, 0x84, 0x94, 0x9e, 0xa8, 0xb2, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xd0, 0xda, 0xe4, 0xee) # values copied from X11/rgb.txt and XTerm-col.ad: basic_colours = ((0,0,0), (205, 0, 0), (0, 205, 0), (205, 205, 0), (0, 0, 238), (205, 0, 205), (0, 205, 205), (229, 229, 229), (127, 127, 127), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (255, 255, 0), (0x5c, 0x5c, 0xff), (255, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255), (255, 255, 255)) def set_88_colour_mode(): """Switch to 88-colour mode.""" global cube_size, gray_start, colours, cube_steps, gray_steps cube_size = 4 gray_start = cube_size ** 3 + cube_start colours = 88 # values copied from xterm 88colres.h: cube_steps = 0x00, 0x8b, 0xcd, 0xff gray_steps = 0x2e, 0x5c, 0x73, 0x8b, 0xa2, 0xb9, 0xd0, 0xe7 def error(e): """Report an error to the user.""" sys.stderr.write(e+"\n") def cube_vals(n): """Return the cube coordinates for colour-number n.""" assert n>=cube_start and n= gray_start: return "+%02d" % (n-gray_start+1) elif n >= cube_start: a, b, c = cube_vals(n) return "%s%s%s" % (chr(ord('a')+a), chr(ord('0')+b), chr(ord('0')+c)) else: return ".%02d not found" % (n-basic_start) def prt_to_n(prt): """Convert a colour chart cell to a colour number.""" assert len(prt)==3 if prt == ' ': n = -1 elif prt[0] == '.': val = int(prt[1:]) assert val>=0 and val=0 and val=0 and a=0 and b=0 and c=gray_start: return -1 if n2=gray_start: return -1 a1, b1, c1 = cube_vals(n1) a2, b2, c2 = cube_vals(n2) return abs(a1-a2)+abs(b1-b2)+abs(c1-c2) def parse_chart(chart): """Parse a colour chart passed in as a string.""" chart = chart.rstrip() found = set() oall = [] # the complete chart output for ln in chart.split('\n'): oln = [] # the current line of output ln = ln.rstrip() if not oall and not ln: # remove blank lines from top of chart continue for loff in range(0, len(ln), 3): prt = ln[loff:loff+3] if not prt: continue n = prt_to_n(prt) if n>=0 and n in found: error("duplicate entry %s found" % prt) found.add(n) if oall and len(oall[-1])>len(oln): # compare distance above nabove = oall[-1][len(oln)] if distance(nabove, n)>1: error("entry %s found above %s" % (n_to_prt(nabove), prt)) if oln: # compare distance to left nleft = oln[-1] if distance(nleft, n)>1: error("entry %s found left of %s" % (n_to_prt(nleft), prt)) oln.append(n) oall.append(oln) # make sure all colours were included in the chart for n in range(colours): if n in found: continue error("entry %s not found" % n_to_prt(n)) return oall def draw_chart(chart, origin, angle, numbers, cell_cols, cell_rows): """Draw a colour chart on the screen. chart -- chart data parsed by parse_chart() origin -- 0..7 origin of colour cube angle -- 0..5 rotation angle of colour cube numbers -- if True display hex palette numbers on the chart cell_cols -- number of screen columns per cell cell_rows -- number of screen rows per cell """ amap = [(0,1,2), (1,2,0), (2,0,1), (0,2,1), (1,0,2), (2,1,0)][angle] omap = [(1,1,1), (1,1,-1), (1,-1,-1), (1,-1,1), (-1,-1,1), (-1,-1,-1), (-1,1,-1), (-1,1,1)][origin] if numbers and cell_cols<2: cell_cols=2 cell_pad = " "*cell_cols def transform_block(n, row): v = cube_vals(n) v = [(int(om/2) + om * n) % cube_size for n, om in zip(v, omap)] r, g, b = v[amap[0]], v[amap[1]], v[amap[2]] vtrans = (r*cube_size + g)*cube_size + b + cube_start return block(vtrans, row) def block(n, row): if not numbers or row!=cell_rows-1: return "\x1b[48;5;%dm%s" % (n, cell_pad) y = n_to_gray(n) if y>0x30: # use black text return "\x1b[48;5;%d;30m%02x%s" % (n, n, cell_pad[2:]) # else use gray text return "\x1b[48;5;%d;37m%02x%s" % (n, n, cell_pad[2:]) def blank(): return "\x1b[0m%s" % (cell_pad,) for ln in chart: for row in range(cell_rows): out = [] for n in ln: if n<0: out.append(blank()) elif n7: error("Invalid origin value specified!") sys.exit(2) if options.angle<0 or options.angle>5: error("Invalid angle value specified!") sys.exit(2) if options.columns < 1: error("Invalid number of columns specified!") if options.rows < 1: error("Invalid number of rows specified!") if options.colours_88: set_88_colour_mode() if options.list_charts: print "Charts available in %d-colour mode:" % colours for cname in charts[colours].keys(): print " "+cname sys.exit(0) if options.reset_palette: reset_palette() if not args: args = ["whales"] # default chart first = True for cname in args: if not first: print first = False if cname not in charts[colours]: error("Chart %r not found!" % cname) continue chart = parse_chart(charts[colours][cname]) draw_chart(chart, options.origin, options.angle, options.numbers, options.columns, options.rows) if __name__ == '__main__': main()