" Pathogen setup runtime! autoload/pathogen.vim if exists('g:loaded_pathogen') filetype off call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(expand("~/.vim/bundle")) call pathogen#helptags() endif syntax on filetype plugin indent on colorscheme railscasts set tabstop=2 set shiftwidth=2 set autoindent set smarttab set expandtab set guioptions=aAce set mouse=a " Window manipulation "map tt map | " This and the below are also useful for colemak map " Surrounds shortcuts for visual selections "vmap " s" "vmap ' s' "vmap ( s) "vmap [ s] "vmap { s} "vmap < s> " Pressing backspace with selection does something weird " thanks to above surrounds shortcuts so let's be specific " here: vmap xi " Colemak " " * Switch 'h' and 'n' (so 'up' is on top of 'down'). " * Use and for and , instead (and disable 'j' " and 'l' which are where 'y' and 'u' are in in QWERTY) nmap h nmap k " Nicer split controls "map normal :split "map normal :vsplit " Emacs-like keys for the command line cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap set wildignore+=Transmission*Remote*GUI let g:ragtag_global_maps = 1 if filereadable(expand('~/.vimrc.local')) source ~/.vimrc.local endif