android_ip_webcam: - host: name: Tent Cam sensors: - battery_level - battery_temp - light - proximity switches: - exposure_lock - ffc - focus - night_vision - overlay camera: - platform: mjpeg_timelapse image_url: name: Tent Timelapse fetch_interval: 3600 max_frames: 36 framerate: 10 quality: 80 loop: true template: - binary_sensor: - unique_id: tent_lights_status name: Tent lights status delay_on: "0:00:05" delay_off: "0:00:05" state: | {{ states('sensor.tent_wattage') | float > 150 }} attributes: device_class: power - sensor: - unique_id: tent_temperature_cached name: Tent Temperature (cached) unit_of_measurement: °C device_class: temperature state_class: measurement state: | {{ float(states('sensor.tent_temperature'), default=states('sensor.tent_temperature_cached')) }} - unique_id: tent_humidity_cached name: Tent Humidity (cached) unit_of_measurement: "%" device_class: humidity state_class: measurement state: | {{ float(states('sensor.tent_humidity'), default=states('tent_humidity_cached')) }} - unique_id: tent_svp name: "Tent SVP (Saturation Vapor Pressure)" unit_of_measurement: kPa device_class: pressure state_class: measurement state: | {% set T = float(states('sensor.tent_temperature_cached')) %} {% if is_number(T) %} {{ (0.61078 * e ** (17.2694 * T / (T + 238.3))) | round(3) }} {% else %} {{ states('sensor.tent_svp') | round(3) }} {% endif %} - unique_id: tent_avp name: "Tent AVP (Actual Vapor Pressure)" unit_of_measurement: kPa device_class: pressure state_class: measurement state: | {% set SVP = float(states('sensor.tent_svp')) %} {% set RH = float(states('sensor.tent_humidity_cached')) %} {% if is_number(SVP) and is_number(RH) %} {{ (SVP * (RH/100.0)) | round(3) }} {% else %} {{ states('sensor.tent_avp') | round(3) }} {% endif %} - unique_id: tent_vpd name: "Tent VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit)" unit_of_measurement: kPa device_class: pressure state_class: measurement state: | {% set SVP = float(states('sensor.tent_svp')) %} {% set AVP = float(states('sensor.tent_avp')) %} {% if is_number(SVP) and is_number(AVP) %} {{ (SVP - AVP) | round(3) }} {% else %} {{ states('sensor.tent_vpd') | round(3) }} {% endif %} automation: - id: "1635395611631" alias: Tent Cam Night Mode When Light Is Off description: "" trigger: - platform: device type: turned_off device_id: 3a26463c21d89cc84ffad181fa45ff06 entity_id: switch.tent_power_strip_grow_lights domain: switch for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 5 milliseconds: 0 condition: [] action: - service: switch.turn_on target: entity_id: switch.tent_cam_night_vision mode: single - id: "1635395660038" alias: Tent Cam Night Mode When Light Is On description: "" trigger: - platform: device type: turned_on device_id: 3a26463c21d89cc84ffad181fa45ff06 entity_id: switch.tent_power_strip_grow_lights domain: switch for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 5 milliseconds: 0 condition: [] action: - service: switch.turn_off target: entity_id: switch.tent_cam_night_vision mode: single - id: "1635483973733" alias: Restore tent power strip's state when available description: "" trigger: - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_lights_local from: unavailable to: "off" - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_usb_local from: unavailable to: "off" - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_fans_local from: unavailable to: "off" - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_misc_local from: unavailable to: "off" - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_humidifier_local from: unavailable to: "off" condition: [] action: - scene: scene.tent_power_strip_state mode: restart - id: "1635546763394" alias: Snapshot Tent Power Strip state on any state change description: Allows restoring that state when the device goes offline and comes back online trigger: - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_misc_local - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_lights_local - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_fans_local - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_usb_local - platform: state entity_id: switch.tent_humidifier_local condition: [] action: - service: scene.create data: scene_id: tent_power_strip_state snapshot_entities: - switch.tent_lights_local - switch.tent_fans_local - switch.tent_humidifier_local - switch.tent_misc_local - switch.tent_usb_local mode: restart - id: "1635838578022" alias: Tent lights off description: "" trigger: - platform: time at: "17:30:00" condition: [] action: - type: turn_off device_id: 3a26463c21d89cc84ffad181fa45ff06 entity_id: switch.tent_power_strip_grow_lights domain: switch mode: single - id: "1635838786987" alias: Tent lights on after 6 hrs description: "" trigger: - platform: time at: "23:30:00" condition: [] action: - type: turn_on device_id: 3a26463c21d89cc84ffad181fa45ff06 entity_id: switch.tent_power_strip_grow_lights domain: switch mode: single - id: "1635838809246" alias: Tent lights on after 12 hrs description: "" trigger: - platform: time at: 05:30:00 condition: [] action: - type: turn_on device_id: 3a26463c21d89cc84ffad181fa45ff06 entity_id: switch.tent_power_strip_grow_lights domain: switch mode: single - id: "1640915453691" alias: Alert if pH drops out of range description: "" trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_reservoir_ph above: input_number.maximum_ph for: hours: 0 minutes: 5 seconds: 0 - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_reservoir_ph below: input_number.minimum_ph for: hours: 0 minutes: 5 seconds: 0 condition: [] action: - device_id: 180bff5b35717d9bb9082d52551b5065 domain: mobile_app type: notify message: pH outside of specified range mode: single - id: "1644557480025" alias: Turn on tent humidifier description: if VPD is high _and_ it is not above maximum allowable humidity trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_vpd above: input_number.maximum_tent_vpd for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 0 - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_humidity_cached below: input_number.minimum_tent_humidity condition: - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_humidity_cached below: input_number.maximum_tent_humidity action: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: - switch.tent_humidifier - switch.tent_humidifier_local mode: restart - id: "1644557631412" alias: Turn off tent humidifier description: if VPD in range or humidity too high trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_vpd for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 0 below: input_number.minimum_tent_vpd - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_humidity_cached above: input_number.maximum_tent_humidity for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 0 condition: - condition: or conditions: - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_wattage below: "150" - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_humidity_cached above: input_number.minimum_tent_humidity action: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: - switch.tent_humidifier - switch.tent_humidifier_local mode: restart - id: "1644716285765" alias: Re-focus tent cam regularly description: "" trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: /5 seconds: "0" hours: "*" condition: - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_wattage above: "150" action: - service: switch.toggle data: {} target: entity_id: switch.tent_cam_focus - delay: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 3 milliseconds: 0 - service: switch.toggle data: {} target: entity_id: switch.tent_cam_focus mode: single - id: "1645058611536" alias: Count humidifier run time description: "" trigger: - platform: time_pattern seconds: /1 condition: - condition: device type: is_on device_id: 4f8a04a40876b2a1914ea8d004b6aac5 entity_id: switch.tent_humidifier_local domain: switch action: - service: counter.increment data: {} target: entity_id: counter.humidifier_run_time_since_refill mode: queued max: 120 - id: "1645060500738" alias: Humidifier tank timer description: "" trigger: - platform: device type: turned_on device_id: 4f8a04a40876b2a1914ea8d004b6aac5 entity_id: switch.tent_humidifier_local domain: switch - platform: device type: turned_off device_id: 4f8a04a40876b2a1914ea8d004b6aac5 entity_id: switch.tent_humidifier_local domain: switch condition: [] action: - service: "timer.{{ 'start' if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' else 'pause' }} " data: {} target: entity_id: timer.humidifier_time_till_refill mode: restart - id: "1647038709985" alias: Disable timelapse when lights off description: "" trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_wattage for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 30 below: "100" condition: [] action: - service: mjpeg_timelapse.pause_recording data: {} target: entity_id: camera.tent_timelapse mode: single - id: "1647038771614" alias: Enable timelapse when lights on description: "" trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.tent_wattage for: hours: 0 minutes: 15 seconds: 0 above: "180" condition: [] action: - service: mjpeg_timelapse.resume_recording data: {} target: entity_id: camera.tent_timelapse mode: single