substitutions: node_name: "front-gate" friendly_name: "Front Gate" esphome: platform: ESP8266 board: esp8285 packages: base: !include common/base.yaml logger: level: DEBUG web_server: version: 2 include_internal: true binary_sensor: - platform: gpio name: "${friendly_name} Contact" disabled_by_default: true device_class: garage_door id: contact pin: number: GPIO4 inverted: false mode: INPUT_PULLUP filters: # Takes advantage of the fact that gate movement causes this GPIO pin to # flicker (probably due to wire moving). We can use that initial change # in state as a signal to set the cover operation. Later, when the final # value settles (after debounces) we can set it back to idle. - lambda: |- if(id(gate).current_operation == CoverOperation::COVER_OPERATION_IDLE) { id(gate).current_operation = (x ? COVER_OPERATION_CLOSING : COVER_OPERATION_OPENING); id(gate).publish_state(); } return x; # during gate movement, the wire movement seems to cause the state to rapidly flicker - delayed_on_off: 5000ms - lambda: |- id(gate).current_operation = COVER_OPERATION_IDLE; id(gate).publish_state(); return x; on_state: then: - cover.template.publish: id: gate current_operation: IDLE - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO14 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: true name: "${friendly_name} Button" disabled_by_default: true on_multi_click: - timing: - ON for at most 1s - OFF for at least 0.2s then: switch.turn_on: relay - timing: - ON for at least 4s then: restart_button # in common/base.yaml button: - platform: template name: "${friendly_name} Button" on_press: then: - if: condition: - switch.is_off: relay then: - switch.turn_on: relay switch: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO5 name: "${friendly_name} Relay" id: relay disabled_by_default: true on_turn_on: - light.turn_on: wifi_led - delay: 1s - switch.turn_off: relay - light.turn_off: wifi_led light: - platform: status_led name: "${friendly_name} WiFi LED" id: wifi_led disabled_by_default: true pin: GPIO12 cover: - platform: template id: gate device_class: garage name: "${friendly_name}" lambda: "return id(contact).state ? COVER_CLOSED : COVER_OPEN;" open_action: - if: condition: and: - switch.is_off: relay - binary_sensor.is_on: contact # GATE IS CLOSED - lambda: return id(gate).current_operation == COVER_OPERATION_IDLE; # GATE IS IDLE then: - switch.turn_on: relay stop_action: - if: condition: and: - binary_sensor.is_on: contact - lambda: return id(gate).current_operation != COVER_OPERATION_IDLE; # GATE IS ACTIVE then: - switch.turn_on: relay close_action: - if: condition: and: - switch.is_off: relay - binary_sensor.is_off: contact # GATE NOT CLOSED - lambda: return id(gate).current_operation == COVER_OPERATION_IDLE; # GATE IS IDLE then: - switch.turn_on: relay