config: title: Home views: - badges: [] cards: - card: type: custom:mushroom-chips-card card_param: chips filter: exclude: - entity_id: /tent/ - entity_id: '*double_lamp_*' - area: Garden Shed - name: /Purifier/ include: - domain: light options: content_info: name type: light use_light_color: true sort: method: name sort: method: friendly_name type: custom:auto-entities - cards: - card: chips: - chip: content_template: Play default ({{ states('sensor.background_playlist') }}) icon: mdi:music tap_action: action: call-service service: media_player.select_source service_data: source_template: '{{ states(''sensor.background_playlist'') }}' target: entity_id: media_player.denon_avr_x1600h_heos type: template conditions: - entity: sensor.background_playlist state_not: 'off' type: conditional - chip: content: ABC Jazz - {{ states('sensor.abc_jazz_now_playing') }} icon: mdi:music tap_action: action: call-service service: media_player.select_source service_data: source: ABC Jazz (Jazz Music) target: entity_id: media_player.denon_avr_x1600h_heos type: template conditions: - entity: sensor.current_living_room_media_player_source state_not: ABC Jazz (Jazz Music) type: conditional - chip: content: RRR - {{ states('sensor.rrr_now_playing') }} icon: mdi:music tap_action: action: call-service service: media_player.select_source service_data: source: Triple R target: entity_id: media_player.denon_avr_x1600h_heos type: template conditions: - entity: sensor.current_living_room_media_player_source state_not: Triple R type: conditional - chip: content: PBS - {{ states('sensor.pbs_now_playing') }} icon: mdi:music tap_action: action: call-service service: media_player.select_source service_data: source: PBS 106.7FM Melbourne target: entity_id: media_player.denon_avr_x1600h_heos type: template conditions: - entity: sensor.current_living_room_media_player_source state_not: PBS 106.7FM Melbourne type: conditional - chip: content: KLFM icon: mdi:music tap_action: action: call-service service: media_player.select_source service_data: source: KLFM target: entity_id: media_player.denon_avr_x1600h_heos type: template conditions: - entity: sensor.current_living_room_media_player_source state_not: KLFM type: conditional - chip: content: JJ - {{ states('sensor.jj_now_playing') }} icon: mdi:music tap_action: action: call-service service: media_player.select_source service_data: source: Double J (Indie Music) target: entity_id: media_player.denon_avr_x1600h_heos type: template conditions: - entity: sensor.current_living_room_media_player_source state_not: Double J (Indie Music) type: conditional - chip: content: JJJ - {{ states('sensor.jjj_now_playing') }} icon: mdi:music tap_action: action: call-service service: media_player.select_source service_data: source: triple j 107.5 (Alternative Rock) target: entity_id: media_player.denon_avr_x1600h_heos type: template conditions: - entity: sensor.current_living_room_media_player_source state_not: triple j 107.5 (Alternative Rock) type: conditional type: custom:mushroom-chips-card entities: - sensor.background_playlist type: custom:card-templater - card: type: vertical-stack card_param: cards filter: exclude: - state: unavailable - state: 'off' - state: idle - state: standby - entity_id: /spotify/ - entity_id: /denon/ - attributes: source: HEOS Music include: - domain: media_player not: entity_id: '*.plex_*' options: media_controls: - play_pause_stop - on_off - next - previous type: custom:mushroom-media-player-card use_media_artwork: true use_media_info: true volume_controls: - volume_set - volume_buttons - volume_mute - attributes: username: bjeanes domain: media_player entity_id: '*.plex_*' options: media_controls: - play_pause_stop - on_off - next - previous type: custom:mushroom-media-player-card use_media_artwork: true use_media_info: true volume_controls: - volume_set - volume_buttons - volume_mute show_empty: false sort: method: state reverse: true type: custom:auto-entities type: horizontal-stack - card: state_color: true title: Important type: entities filter: exclude: - state: unavailable - state: unknown - entity_id: /vacuum.*attached/ - entity_id: /inverter_.*_soc/ include: - attributes: device_class: moisture domain: binary_sensor state: 'on' - attributes: device_class: problem domain: binary_sensor state: 'on' - attributes: device_class: connectivity domain: binary_sensor state: 'off' - attributes: unit_of_measurement: lqi not: entity_id: /robot_vacuum_(mop|water_box)/ state: < 100 - entity_id: calendar.on_call state: 'on' - entity_id: /fire_danger/ not: state: /Low|^High/ - entity_id: sensor.ups_status not: state: Online - entity_id: /octoprint_printing/ state: 'on' - attributes: state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: '%' entity_id: /remaining/ state: <10 - attributes: device_class: safety state: 'on' - entity_id: binary_sensor.electricity_price_spike state: 'on' - attributes: days: <= 1 device_class: garbage_collection__schedule - attributes: device_class: battery not 1: attributes: Is Charging: true not 2: attributes: battery_status: Charging not 3: attributes: Is Charged: true not 4: attributes: icon: /charging/ options: type: custom:battery-entity-row state: < 10 - attributes: weeks_remaining: 0 - entity_id: /cpu_percent/ state: '> 70' - entity_id: /memory_percent/ state: '> 70' - attributes: device_class: update not: entity_id: /ikea_remote/ state: 'on' - domain: update state: 'on' - entity_id: sensor.recorder_age state: '> 180' show_empty: false sort: method: none type: custom:auto-entities unique: true - entities: battery: sensor.inverter_battery_power battery_charge: sensor.inverter_battery_level grid: sensor.inverter_grid_power_demand solar: sensor.inverter_pv_power kw_decimals: 2 type: custom:power-flow-card w_decimals: 0 watt_threshold: 900 - elements: - attribute: mean entity: sensor.ble_temperature_living_room_a4c1382a9b6e style: background: rgba(10,10,10,0.2) left: 23% padding: 3px top: 22% suffix: "\xB0C" tap_action: more-info type: custom:state-attribute-element - attribute: mean entity: sensor.ble_temperature_bos_office_a4c1380f0b98 style: background: rgba(10,10,10,0.2) left: 72% padding: 3px top: 80% suffix: "\xB0C" tap_action: more-info type: custom:state-attribute-element - attribute: mean entity: sensor.ble_temperature_ris_office_a4c138e78afe style: background: rgba(10,10,10,0.2) left: 88.8% padding: 3px top: 80% suffix: "\xB0C" tap_action: more-info type: custom:state-attribute-element - attribute: mean entity: sensor.ble_temperature_analog_room_a4c138bcab08 style: background: rgba(10,10,10,0.2) left: 80% padding: 3px top: 47% suffix: "\xB0C" type: custom:state-attribute-element - attribute: mean entity: sensor.ble_temperature_kitchen_a4c1389485e3 style: background: rgba(10,10,10,0.2) left: 53.3% padding: 3px top: 20% suffix: "\xB0C" tap_action: more-info type: custom:state-attribute-element - attribute: mean entity: sensor.ble_temperature_bedroom_a4c138feb60c style: background: rgba(10,10,10,0.2) left: 29% padding: 3px top: 77% suffix: "\xB0C" tap_action: more-info type: custom:state-attribute-element - attribute: mean entity: sensor.ble_temperature_spare_room_a4c138d8ef42 style: background: rgba(10,10,10,0.2) left: 53.3% padding: 3px top: 80% suffix: "\xB0C" tap_action: more-info type: custom:state-attribute-element image: /local/floorplan-top.jpg type: picture-elements - calibration_source: camera: true entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_4394_robot_cleaner map_locked: true map_modes: - max_repeats: 3 max_selections: 10 predefined_selections: - icon: name: mdi:broom x: -450 y: -9175 id: 8 label: offset_y: 35 text: Analog Room x: -450 y: -9175 - icon: name: mdi:broom x: -5625 y: -9175 id: 3 label: offset_y: 35 text: Ri's Office x: -5625 y: -9175 - icon: name: mdi:broom x: 2000 y: -9700 id: 4 label: offset_y: 35 text: Laundry x: 2000 y: -9700 - icon: name: mdi:broom x: 1925 y: -6625 id: 2 label: offset_y: 35 text: Bathroom x: 1925 y: -6625 - icon: name: mdi:broom x: -5750 y: -6350 id: 1 label: offset_y: 35 text: Bo's Office x: -5750 y: -6350 - icon: name: mdi:broom x: -2525 y: -750 id: 9 label: offset_y: 35 text: Hallway x: -2525 y: -750 - icon: name: mdi:broom x: 675 y: -3100 id: 5 label: offset_y: 35 text: Kitchen x: 675 y: -3100 - icon: name: mdi:broom x: -5575 y: -2525 id: 10 label: offset_y: 35 text: Spare Room x: -5575 y: -2525 - icon: name: mdi:broom x: 675 y: 1825 id: 6 label: offset_y: 35 text: Living Room x: 675 y: 1825 - icon: name: mdi:broom x: -5650 y: 1025 id: 7 label: offset_y: 35 text: Bedroom x: -5650 y: 1025 repeats_type: EXTERNAL service_call_schema: service: xiaomi_miot.call_action service_data: aiid: 1 entity_id: '[[entity_id]]' force_params: true params: - piid: 1 value: 18 - piid: 10 value: '{"selects":[[[[selection_unwrapped]],[[repeats]],3,3,1]]}' siid: 4 template: vacuum_clean_segment - template: vacuum_goto - max_repeats: 5 max_selections: 10 repeats_type: EXTERNAL service_call_schema: service: xiaomi_miot.call_action service_data: aiid: 1 entity_id: '[[entity_id]]' force_params: true params: - piid: 1 value: 19 - piid: 10 value: '{"areas":[[[[selection_unwrapped]],[[repeats]],1,1]]}' siid: 4 template: vacuum_clean_zone map_source: camera: camera.dreame_z10_pro_map two_finger_pan: true type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card vacuum_platform: default icon: hass:home panel: false path: default_view title: Home - badges: [] cards: - cards: - cards: - entity: person.bo_jeanes fill_container: false hide_name: false hide_state: false type: custom:mushroom-person-card use_entity_picture: true - double_tap_action: action: none entity: sensor.template_room_bo_phone icon: "{% if is_state(entity, 'not_home') and is_state('person.bo_jeanes',\ \ 'home') %}\n mdi:cellphone-off\n{% else %}\n mdi:cellphone-marker\n\ {% endif %}" secondary: "{% if is_state('person.bo_jeanes', 'not_home') %}\n ~{{ states('proximity.bo_home')\ \ }}m from home\n{% elif is_state(entity, 'not_home') %}\n Unknown\n\ {% else %}\n {{ states(entity) | replace(\"_s_\",\"'s \") | replace(\"\ _\",\" \") | title }}\n ~{{ state_attr(entity, 'distance') }}m\n{% endif\ \ %}" tap_action: action: more-info type: custom:mushroom-template-card type: vertical-stack - cards: - entity: person.ri_liu fill_container: false hide_name: false hide_state: false layout: horizontal type: custom:mushroom-person-card use_entity_picture: true - double_tap_action: action: none entity: sensor.template_room_ri_phone icon: "{% if is_state(entity, 'not_home') and is_state('person.ri_liu',\ \ 'home') %}\n mdi:cellphone-off\n{% else %}\n mdi:cellphone-marker\n\ {% endif %}" secondary: "{% if is_state('person.ri_liu', 'not_home') %}\n ~{{ states('proximity.ri_home')\ \ }}m from home\n{% elif is_state(entity, 'not_home') %}\n Unknown\n\ {% else %}\n {{ states(entity) | replace(\"_s_\",\"'s \") | replace(\"\ _\",\" \") | title }}\n ~{{ state_attr(entity, 'distance') }}m\n{% endif\ \ %}" tap_action: action: more-info type: custom:mushroom-template-card type: vertical-stack type: horizontal-stack icon: mdi:account-supervisor-circle path: people theme: Backend-selected title: People - badges: [] cards: - entities: - entity: binary_sensor.in_bed name: Anyone In bed secondary_info: last-updated - entity: input_boolean.bo_in_bed - entity: input_boolean.ri_in_bed type: entities - aqi: entity_id: sensor.bedroom_purifier_pm2_5 unit: "\xB5g/m\xB3" compact_view: true entity: fan.bedroom_purifier shortcuts: - icon: mdi:weather-night name: Silent preset_mode: Silent - icon: mdi:circle-slice-2 name: 25% percentage: 25 - icon: mdi:circle-slice-4 name: 50% percentage: 50 - icon: mdi:circle-slice-6 name: 75% percentage: 75 - icon: mdi:circle-slice-8 name: 100% percentage: 100 - icon: mdi:brightness-auto name: Auto preset_mode: Auto show_name: false show_state: false show_toolbar: true stats: - entity_id: sensor.bedroom_purifier_temperature unit: "\xB0C" - entity_id: sensor.bedroom_purifier_humidity unit: '%' - entity_id: sensor.bedroom_purifier_filter_life_remaining subtitle: Filter Remaining unit: '%' type: custom:purifier-card - chips: - entity: binary_sensor.in_bed type: entity type: custom:mushroom-chips-card icon: mdi:bed path: bedroom theme: Backend-selected title: Bedroom - badges: [] cards: - entity: weather.home_weather number_of_forecasts: '3' type: custom:weather-card - entities: - entity: sun.sun - entity: sensor.home_weather_condition - entity: sensor.home_weather_temperature name: "\xB0C Current" - entity: sensor.home_weather_humidity name: Humidity - entity: sensor.home_weather_cloud_coverage name: Cloud coverage hours_to_show: 24 refresh_interval: 0 type: history-graph - center_latitude: -36.7769283 center_longitude: 144.2634146 extra_labels: true map_style: Voyager marker_latitude: -36.7769283 marker_longitude: 144.2634146 show_marker: true show_range: true show_zoom: true type: custom:bom-radar-card zoom_level: 8 - entities: - entity: sun.sun - entity: weather.home_weather - entity: sensor.home_weather_condition - entity: sensor.home_weather_forecast_condition - entity: weather.home - entity: weather.home_hourly - entity: sensor.home_weather_cloud_coverage - entity: sensor.home_weather_forecast_cloud_coverage type: history-graph icon: hass:thermometer path: climate title: Climate - badges: [] cards: - calibration_source: camera: true entity: vacuum.robot_vacuum map_source: camera: camera.vacuum_map type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card vacuum_platform: default icon: '' panel: false path: misc title: misc - badges: [] cards: - entities: - switch.washing_machine_plug - sensor.washing_machine_plug_current - sensor.washing_machine_plug_energy_usage - sensor.washing_machine_plug_total_daily_energy - sensor.washing_machine_plug_voltage - sensor.washing_machine_plug_wattage hours_to_show: 120 type: history-graph icon: mdi:washing-machine path: washing theme: Backend-selected title: Washing - badges: [] cards: - card: type: entities filter: exclude: - entity_id: /tent/ include: - entity_id: /adaptive/ type: custom:auto-entities - card: type: entities filter: exclude: - entity_id: /tent/ include: - domain: light type: custom:auto-entities icon: mdi:lamps path: lighting theme: Backend-selected title: Lighting - badges: [] cards: - card: type: entities filter: exclude: [] include: - attributes: device_class: door domain: binary_sensor type: custom:auto-entities - card: type: history-graph filter: exclude: [] include: - attributes: device_class: door domain: binary_sensor type: custom:auto-entities icon: mdi:door path: doors theme: Backend-selected title: Doors - badges: [] cards: - entities: - sensor.ble_temperature_shower_a4c13865903a - sensor.ble_temperature_bathroom_a4c138f6b8cb - sensor.bathroom_sensor_temperature - sensor.ble_humidity_shower_a4c13865903a - sensor.ble_humidity_bathroom_a4c138f6b8cb type: entities - entities: - sensor.ble_temperature_shower_a4c13865903a - sensor.ble_temperature_bathroom_a4c138f6b8cb - sensor.bathroom_sensor_temperature - sensor.ble_humidity_shower_a4c13865903a - sensor.ble_humidity_bathroom_a4c138f6b8cb type: history-graph icon: mdi:shower path: bathroom theme: Backend-selected title: Bathroom - badges: [] cards: - card: type: entities filter: exclude: [] include: - entity_id: /teyes/ - device: /Teyes/ type: custom:auto-entities unique: true - aspect_ratio: '16:9' auto_fit: true entities: - entity: device_tracker.teyes_cc3 hours_to_show: 12 type: map icon: mdi:car path: car theme: Backend-selected title: Car