sensor: - platform: unifigateway host: !secret unifi_controller port: 443 username: !secret unifi_username password: !secret unifi_password monitored_conditions: - www - vpn - lan - wan - wlan - alerts - firmware wake_on_lan: switch: - platform: wake_on_lan name: TumTum mac: !secret tumtum_mac host: !secret tumtum_ip broadcast_address: !secret lan_broadcast turn_off: - service: shell_command.shutdown_host data: host: !secret tumtum_ip - platform: wake_on_lan name: NAS mac: !secret nas_mac host: !secret nas_ip broadcast_address: !secret lan_broadcast turn_off: service: target: entity_id: button.nas_shutdown automation: - id: 964db306d8b009f8f640 alias: Power NAS/Tumtum according to sleep trigger: - platform: template value_template: | {{ is_state('sensor.everyone_in_bed', 'on') and is_state('sensor.plex_tumtum_tree', '0') }} for: minutes: 15 variables: service: switch.turn_off - platform: template value_template: | {{ is_state('sensor.everyone_in_bed', 'off') }} for: minutes: 15 variables: service: switch.turn_on action: - service: "{{ service }}" target: entity_id: - switch.nas - switch.tumtum - id: 8bec9ab03377b5202cad alias: Power NAS/Tumtum according to UPS mode: restart # so we only do latest trigger: # - platform: event event_type: nut.ups_event event_data: notify_type: ONBATT # on battery variables: direction: "off" seconds: 120 - platform: event event_type: nut.ups_event event_data: notify_type: LOWBAT # low battery variables: direction: "off" seconds: 10 - platform: event event_type: nut.ups_event event_data: notify_type: FSD # forced shutdown variables: direction: "off" seconds: 3 - platform: event event_type: nut.ups_event event_data: notify_type: SHUTDOWN # system is shutting down variables: direction: "off" seconds: 0 - platform: event event_type: nut.ups_event event_data: notify_type: ONLINE # system is (back) online variables: direction: "on" seconds: 120 action: - delay: "{{ seconds }}" - service: "switch.turn_{{ direction }}" target: entity_id: - switch.nas - switch.tumtum - id: 0300364ca8c814c4c325 alias: "Notify on UPS state change" trigger: - platform: event event_type: nut.ups_event action: - service: notify.mobile_app_bos_iphone data_template: title: "UPS changed state" message: "{{ }}" data: push: interruption-level: time-sensitive shell_command: # NOTE: make sure connecting user can execute specified sudo command without password on remote host # See,, reboot_host: > ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -l {% if user is defined %}{{user}}{%else%}homeassistant{% endif %} {{host}} -- 'sudo reboot' shutdown_host: > ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -l {% if user is defined %}{{user}}{%else%}homeassistant{% endif %} {{host}} -- 'sudo poweroff'