Fork 0
Bo Jeanes 2022-09-08 17:52:49 +10:00
parent 1698959de9
commit 34acb69ee1
6 changed files with 180 additions and 263 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
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@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "modbus-mqtt"
version = "0.1.0"
version = "0.2.0"
dependencies = [

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "modbus-mqtt"
version = "0.1.0"
version = "0.2.0"
edition = "2021"
authors = ["Bo Jeanes <me@bjeanes.com>"]
description = "A bridge between Modbus devices and MQTT"

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@ -61,255 +61,8 @@ impl From<&'static str> for Error {
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
// #[derive(Debug)]
// enum DispatchCommand {
// Publish { topic: String, payload: Vec<u8> },
// }
// #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")]
// async fn mqtt_dispatcher(
// mut options: MqttOptions,
// prefix: String,
// registry: mpsc::Sender<RegistryCommand>,
// mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<DispatchCommand>,
// ) {
// info!("Connecting to MQTT broker...");
// options.set_last_will(LastWill {
// topic: format!("{}/status", prefix),
// message: serde_json::to_vec(&json!({
// "status": MainStatus::Stopped,
// }))
// .unwrap()
// .into(),
// qos: QoS::AtMostOnce,
// retain: false,
// });
// let (client, mut eventloop) = AsyncClient::new(options, 10);
// client
// .publish(
// format!("{}/status", prefix),
// QoS::AtMostOnce,
// false,
// serde_json::to_vec(&json!({
// "status": MainStatus::Running,
// }))
// .unwrap(),
// )
// .await
// .unwrap();
// client
// .subscribe(format!("{}/connect/#", prefix), QoS::AtMostOnce)
// .await
// .unwrap();
// let rx_loop_handler = {
// let client = client.clone();
// tokio::spawn(async move {
// info!("Start dispatcher rx loop");
// while let Some(command) = rx.recv().await {
// match command {
// DispatchCommand::Publish { topic, payload } => {
// client
// .publish(topic, QoS::AtMostOnce, false, payload)
// .await
// .unwrap();
// }
// }
// }
// })
// };
// while let Ok(event) = eventloop.poll().await {
// use Event::{Incoming as In, Outgoing as Out};
// match event {
// Out(_) => (),
// In(Incoming::ConnAck(_)) => info!("Connected to MQTT!"),
// In(Incoming::PingResp | Incoming::SubAck(_)) => (),
// In(Incoming::Publish(Publish { topic, payload, .. })) => {
// debug!("{} -> {:?}", &topic, &payload);
// match topic.split('/').collect::<Vec<&str>>()[..] {
// [p, "connect", conn_name] if p == prefix.as_str() => {
// registry
// .send(RegistryCommand::Connect {
// id: conn_name.to_string(),
// details: payload,
// })
// .await
// .unwrap();
// }
// _ => (),
// };
// }
// _ => {
// debug!("{:?}", event);
// }
// }
// }
// rx_loop_handler.await.unwrap();
// }
// type ConnectionId = String;
// #[derive(Debug)]
// enum RegistryCommand {
// Connect {
// id: ConnectionId,
// details: bytes::Bytes,
// },
// Disconnect(ConnectionId),
// }
// type RegistryDb = HashMap<ConnectionId, tokio::task::JoinHandle<()>>;
// #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")]
// async fn connection_registry(
// prefix: String,
// dispatcher: mpsc::Sender<DispatchCommand>,
// mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<RegistryCommand>,
// ) {
// info!("Starting connection registry...");
// let mut db: RegistryDb = HashMap::new();
// while let Some(command) = rx.recv().await {
// use RegistryCommand::*;
// match command {
// Disconnect(id) => {
// if let Some(handle) = db.remove(&id) {
// handle.abort();
// }
// }
// Connect { id, details } => {
// info!(id, payload = ?details, "Establishing connection");
// let prefix = prefix.clone();
// let dispatcher = dispatcher.clone();
// if let Some(handle) = db.remove(&id) {
// handle.abort();
// }
// db.insert(
// id.clone(),
// tokio::spawn(handle_connect(dispatcher, id, prefix, details)),
// );
// }
// _ => error!("unimplemented"),
// }
// }
// }
// #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
// enum ModbusReadType {
// Input,
// Hold,
// }
// #[derive(Debug)]
// enum ModbusCommand {
// Read(ModbusReadType, u16, u8, ModbusResponse),
// Write(u16, Vec<u16>, ModbusResponse),
// }
// type ModbusResponse = oneshot::Sender<Result<Vec<u16>>>;
// #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")]
// async fn handle_connect(
// dispatcher: mpsc::Sender<DispatchCommand>,
// id: ConnectionId,
// topic_prefix: String,
// payload: bytes::Bytes,
// ) {
// use modbus::config::*;
// use modbus::ConnectState;
// info!("Starting connection handler for {}", id);
// match serde_json::from_slice::<Connect>(&payload) {
// Ok(connect) => {
// let unit = connect.unit;
// let mut modbus: tokio_modbus::client::Context = match connect.settings {
// #[cfg(feature = "winet-s")]
// ModbusProto::SungrowWiNetS { ref host } => {
// tokio_modbus_winets::connect_slave(host, unit)
// .await
// .unwrap()
// }
// #[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
// ModbusProto::Tcp { ref host, port } => {
// let socket_addr = format!("{}:{}", host, port).parse().unwrap();
// tcp::connect_slave(socket_addr, unit).await.unwrap()
// }
// #[cfg(feature = "rtu")]
// ModbusProto::Rtu {
// ref tty,
// baud_rate,
// data_bits,
// stop_bits,
// flow_control,
// parity,
// } => {
// let builder = tokio_serial::new(tty, baud_rate)
// .data_bits(data_bits)
// .flow_control(flow_control)
// .parity(parity)
// .stop_bits(stop_bits);
// let port = tokio_serial::SerialStream::open(&builder).unwrap();
// rtu::connect_slave(port, unit).await.unwrap()
// }
// ModbusProto::Unknown => {
// error!("Unrecognised protocol");
// return;
// }
// };
// let status = modbus::ConnectStatus {
// connect: connect.clone(),
// status: ConnectState::Connected,
// };
// dispatcher
// .send(DispatchCommand::Publish {
// topic: format!("{}/status/{}", topic_prefix, id),
// payload: serde_json::to_vec(&status).unwrap(),
// })
// .await
// .unwrap();
// let (modbus_tx, mut modbus_rx) = mpsc::channel::<ModbusCommand>(32);
// tokio::spawn(async move {
// while let Some(command) = modbus_rx.recv().await {
// match command {
// ModbusCommand::Read(read_type, address, count, responder) => {
// let response = match read_type {
// ModbusReadType::Input => {
// modbus.read_input_registers(address, count as u16)
// }
// ModbusReadType::Hold => {
// modbus.read_holding_registers(address, count as u16)
// }
// };
// responder.send(response.await.map_err(Into::into)).unwrap();
// }
// ModbusCommand::Write(address, data, responder) => {
// responder
// .send(
// modbus
// .read_write_multiple_registers(
// address,
// data.len() as u16,
// address,
// &data[..],
// )
// .await
// .map_err(Into::into),
// )
// .unwrap();
// }
// }
// }
// });
@ -398,10 +151,6 @@ pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
// // FIXME: definitely getting errors here that need to be handled
// //
// // thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { kind: UnexpectedEof, message: "failed to fill whole buffer" }'
// // thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: "Invalid data length: 0" }'
// // thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 36, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Operation now in progress" }'
// // thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 35, kind: WouldBlock, message: "Resource temporarily unavailable" }
// //
// // Splitting out the two awaits so I can see if all of the above panics come from the same await or some from one vs the other:
// let response = rx.await.unwrap(); // await may have errorer on receiving

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
use crate::modbus::{self};
use crate::Error;
use rust_decimal::prelude::Zero;
use serde::Deserialize;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tokio::{select, sync::mpsc};
use tokio_modbus::client::{rtu, tcp, Context as ModbusClient};
use tracing::{debug, error};
use tracing::{debug, error, warn};
use crate::{mqtt, shutdown::Shutdown};
@ -18,25 +20,32 @@ pub(crate) async fn run(
// Can unwrap because if MQTT handler is bad, we have nothing to do here.
mqtt.publish("state", "connecting").await.unwrap();
let address_offset = config.address_offset;
match config.settings.connect(config.unit).await {
Ok(client) => {
// Can unwrap because if MQTT handler is bad, we have nothing to do here.
mqtt.publish("state", "connected").await.unwrap();
// Create handle and send to caller
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(32);
handle_tx.send(Ok(Handle { tx })).unwrap();
let conn = Connection {
mqtt: mqtt.clone(),
if let Err(error) = conn.run().await {
error!(?error, "Modbus connection failed");
// we are shutting down here, so don't care if this fails
let _ = mqtt.publish("state", "disconnected").await;
Err(error) => handle_tx.send(Err(error.into())).unwrap(),
@ -47,30 +56,182 @@ pub(crate) async fn run(
struct Connection {
client: ModbusClient,
address_offset: i8,
mqtt: mqtt::Handle,
shutdown: Shutdown,
rx: mpsc::Receiver<Message>,
rx: mpsc::Receiver<Command>,
tx: mpsc::Sender<Command>,
pub struct Handle {
tx: mpsc::Sender<Message>,
tx: mpsc::Sender<Command>,
impl Handle {
pub async fn write_register(&self, address: u16, data: Vec<Word>) -> crate::Result<Vec<Word>> {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.send(Command::Write(address, data, tx))
.map_err(|_| Error::SendError)?;
rx.await.map_err(|_| Error::RecvError)?
pub async fn read_input_register(
address: u16,
quantity: u8,
) -> crate::Result<Vec<Word>> {
self.read_register(ReadType::Input, address, quantity).await
pub async fn read_holding_register(
address: u16,
quantity: u8,
) -> crate::Result<Vec<Word>> {
self.read_register(ReadType::Holding, address, quantity)
async fn read_register(
reg_type: ReadType,
address: u16,
quantity: u8,
) -> crate::Result<Vec<Word>> {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.send(Command::Read(reg_type, address, quantity, tx))
.map_err(|_| Error::SendError)?;
rx.await.map_err(|_| Error::RecvError)?
type Word = u16;
type Response = oneshot::Sender<crate::Result<Vec<Word>>>;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
enum ReadType {
enum Message {}
enum Command {
Read(ReadType, u16, u8, Response),
Write(u16, Vec<Word>, Response),
impl Connection {
pub async fn run(mut self) -> crate::Result<()> {
let mut input_registers = self.mqtt.subscribe("input/+").await?;
let mut holding_registers = self.mqtt.subscribe("holding/+").await?;
// TODO: if we get a new register definition for an existing register, how do we avoid redundant (and possibly
// conflicting) tasks? Should MQTT component only allow one subscriber per topic filter, replacing the old one
// when it gets a new subscribe request?
loop {
select! {
Some(msg) = self.rx.recv() => { debug!(?msg); },
Some(reg) = input_registers.recv() => {},
Some(reg) = holding_registers.recv() => {},
Some(cmd) = self.rx.recv() => { self.process_command(cmd).await; },
_ = self.shutdown.recv() => {
return Ok(());
fn handle(&self) -> Handle {
Handle {
tx: self.tx.clone(),
/// Apply address offset to address.
/// Panics if offset would overflow or underflow the address.
fn adjust_address(&self, address: u16) -> u16 {
if self.address_offset.is_zero() {
return address;
// TODO: use `checked_add_signed()` once stabilised: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.u16.html#method.checked_add_signed
let adjusted_address = if self.address_offset >= 0 {
address.checked_add(self.address_offset as u16)
} else {
address.checked_sub(self.address_offset.unsigned_abs() as u16)
if let Some(address) = adjusted_address {
} else {
error!(address, offset = self.address_offset,);
// panic!("Address offset would underflow/overflow")
async fn process_command(&mut self, cmd: Command) {
use tokio_modbus::prelude::Reader;
let (tx, response) = match cmd {
Command::Read(ReadType::Input, address, count, tx) => {
let address = self.adjust_address(address);
.read_input_registers(address, count as u16)
Command::Read(ReadType::Holding, address, count, tx) => {
let address = self.adjust_address(address);
.read_holding_registers(address, count as u16)
Command::Write(address, data, tx) => {
let address = self.adjust_address(address);
data.len() as u16,
// This might be transient, so don't kill connection. We may be able to discriminate on the error to determine
// which errors are transient and which are conclusive.
// Some errors that we have observed:
// Error { kind: UnexpectedEof, message: "failed to fill whole buffer" }'
// Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: "Invalid data length: 0" }'
// Os { code: 36, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Operation now in progress" }'
// Os { code: 35, kind: WouldBlock, message: "Resource temporarily unavailable" }
if let Err(error) = &response {
warn!(?error, "modbus command error");
// This probably just means that the register task died or is no longer monitoring the response.
if let Err(response) = tx.send(response.map_err(Into::into)) {
warn!(?response, "error sending response");
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]

View File

@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ use serde_json::value::RawValue as RawJSON;
use tokio::select;
use tracing::{debug, error, info};
NOTE: Should this be a connection _registry_ of sorts which also restarts connections which die?
/// The topic filter under the prefix to look for connection configs
const TOPIC: &str = "+/connect";
@ -88,10 +92,10 @@ async fn connect(config: Config<'_>, mqtt: mqtt::Handle, shutdown: Shutdown) ->
} = config;
mqtt.publish("state", "connecting").await?;
let connection_handler = connection::run(settings, mqtt.clone(), shutdown).await?;
// TODO: consider waiting 1 second before sending the registers to MQTT, to ensure that the connection is listening.
for reg in input {
let mqtt = mqtt.scoped("input");
if let Ok(r) = serde_json::from_slice::<register::AddressedRegister>(reg.get().as_bytes()) {

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@ -164,6 +164,9 @@ impl Connection {
for filter in &filters {
let channel = channel.clone();
// NOTE: Curently allows multiple components to watch the same topic filter, but if there is no need
// for this, it might make more sense to have it _replace_ the channel, so that old (stale)
// components automatically finish running.
match self.subscriptions.get_mut(&filter.path) {
Some(channels) => channels.push(channel),
None => {